I have this desire to gernerate content so here we go....
I have been home brewing for a little over 2 years, and it has changed me. One day a few months ago I picked up some raw Chicago style sausage from the local store. With raw sausage and chicken my usual procedure is to parboil the meat before I place it on the grill. I looked at my clear water and said, what a great opportunity I have been missing to add fresh flavors! Not just your standard beer brats that everyone does, but fresh garlic, onion right into the water to infuse into the meat at the absolute first opportunity of cooking. The results, delicious.
Now I am sure, being something so simple I am not breaking any culinary ground but for me it was my aha moment. My own personal apple hitting me on the head that changed the way I think about cooking. The home brewer in me wants to do an experiment just to find out what benefit I get from the infusion. The food lover in me hates myself for not figuring this out years ago. Experiments to come!
Never miss a chance to infuse flavor!
Luke G