Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Rw Best of 1 Arena ladder list.

  I was browsing through twitter, and I came across this image of a decklist that took it's pilot to Mythic Tier in Magic the Gathering Arena.  I had most of the cards and decided to give it a try. 

The list was fast and powerful getting me from Gold tier 4 up to tier 1 in about 2 hours of gameplay.  I did modify the list, not wanting to burn wild cards on 2 more Goblin Chainwhirler I slotted in 2 copies of Legion War boss.  The change gave the deck an extra avenue of attack and 2 bodies for 3 mana that can snowball into more bodies is just a good time.

Matchup breakdowns: (The ones I have played)

Playing vs mono-white and White Green variants:
  The deck feels favorable, trying to ignore threats that don't gain life and trade when they offer it.  Settle the Wreckage is not usually played in these type of lists so feel free to get in the red zone with any creatures that can attack.

Mono Red, (the mirror)
  Don't get bogged down in wasting removal on your opponent's threats unless it is an opposing Chainwhilrer just ignore it and attack.  Keeping there board clear only matters if you have creatures on board.  If your board is empty, save the burn for the opponent's end step.

Black Green explore.
  Basically, nothing matters except being able to answer the Wildgrowth Walker when it comes down.  Save a lighting strike or wizards lighting to be able to blast it in response to the life gain trigger if they have the mana for a creature, or just kill on sight.  Sure they still gain the 3 life, but if it gets above 4 toughness you have no way of getting it off the board.  Sticking a frenzy is the main way to come out ahead in this matchup, but never cast it in the face of a Walker.

Dimir and Grixis control
Stay disciplined.  Overextending into a Ritual of Soot will mean your opponent can clean you up after the sweeper.  4 damage a turn from creatures on board is enough, with some burn to keep a good amount of pressure on to finish off a game.  Their counters don't matter as much, but if you can stick an Experimental Frenzy the game becomes hard for them.  Savy player will only counter a spell if they have to and save 1 for the frenzy.

UW, Bant and Jeski Control
  The Teferi decks that rely on long games and few win cons to get buy.  They use Counters bounce and fogs to slow down your aggression.  They also rely on Settle the Wreckage to clean up creature decks.  My advice on this matchup is to get into the red zone with as many creatures as possible.  They usually will start protecting themselves at about 8 life, 1 good settle with 4 creatures can give you enough gas to be able to Banefire them for uncounterable lethal damage.  Play around life gain and add in a few extra damage if you have it.  No style points are awarded for exactly lethal damage and the first time someone cast Revitalize to stay off losing to your lethal spell, you might be shopping for a new mouse.

Finally, we have Izzet Drake and Izzet Phoenix.
  The stock list of this deck is weak to 4 toughness creatures.  You end up having to 2 for 1 just to get a drake off the board.  This matchup was a roadblock to me sticking me half way between Platinum 4 and Gold 1.  The matchup feels fine until they go Enigma Drake on 3 or Crackling Drake on 4.  Then it is just concede, and move on to the next game.  So I did some slight modifications to the list to try and give me a punchers chance.  Still not great but serviceable.

My current list that got me to break into Platinum. 
I trimmed
1 Steam-kin, It is slow and dies before it does anything most of the time.
1 Shock,  Good but wanted something with more upside
2 Wizards Lighting With only 8 wizards in the deck it might as well be open fire when you need a 1 mana removal
1 Experimental Frenzy.  Really awkward when you are trying to frenzy off and hit another one.

Adding in:
Captian Lannery Storm  3 mana slot is heavier then I want in this list, but as a 1 of to help hit a frenzy on time comes in handy.
2 lava coil (Now drakes are not an auto 2 for 1)
2 Integrity // Intervention Having a 1 mana pump spell in basically mono-red with the upside of an expensive lighting helix as a good aggro mirror breaker.
I also swapped out 6 basic Mountains for 2 Clifftop Retreat and 4 Sacred Foundry I would not go up any more retreats and definitely would not add in even a single basic Plains you need to always have access to untapped Red mana after turn 1.... even if it hurts.

With these changes, the drakes matchup does not feel unwinnable and the other matchups did not lose to much pop.  This is just my experience, your mileage may vary.