Sunday, September 18, 2016

Challenge Accepted.

On MTG Goldfish playing Pauper on 09/07/2016  Video, article and Decklist Here. Jake did a Simic Emerge deck.  In the conclusion of the article, he said if anyone had a key for solving this deck let him know.  Challenge accepted!  So I started brewing.  After a few iterations, I fell on this configuration.

Link to my modified decklist.

 I started first by upping the land count for a few reasons.

Cutting down some of the emerge cards counting the Fierce Empath as extra copies because they tutor the Wretched Gryff or It of the Horrid Swarm when you need them instead of having a hand of 2 - 3 and not having anything to sack.
  Having extra lands makes Coiling Oracle more likely to be a ramp spell instead of a two-color Elvish Visionary.

  The next challenge was removal.  When you face down a turn 4 Gurmag angler or a turn 3 Ulamaug's Crusher you need quick clean removal that does not take away from your board.  No matter how epic the confrontation no Civic Wayfinder is going to kill a Crusher.  Early flyers can also be a nasty issue.  My solution for both scenarios came in the form of Thornweild Archer.  2/1 Deathtouch Reach can keep anything at bay.  Swapping out the Epic Confrontations for Ferocious Bite making a 1 sided removal spell.

  The Final challenge is what to do early game to make my finishers not the only show in town.  Mana dorks Oracles and Visionaries to rifle through the deck to try and find a tutor or finisher is fine in a Tron type deck when you're sticking it on turn 4, but I like to pressure EARLY.  I am already adding some lands, so why not add some more.
  Let's see if Green Blue Landfall can be a thing in Pauper.
So I went all in upping the land count to 26, removing the bounce lands adding in Evolving wilds, Lonely Sandbar and Tranquil thicket to make sure if I do flood I can still cash in some cards for value and double up on landfall.  A pair of Khalni Heart Expeditions to Push even more land drops.  Explorers Scopes to go with the Coiling oracles to push ramp even further.  Snapping Gnarlids and Windrider Eels with Adventuring Gear to make sure the Gryff does not feel left out of the land falling fun.  The deck is capable of making 3-5 land drops in a single turn when it goes off.  After that point, you just end up casting the gryffs instead of emerging them.

Here is a link to some Gameplay.  It is in the for fun area.  Before I started recording I ran up VS big decks like Tron and UB Delver and it did great.  The decks when I start recording, of course, are not so well known.  Just started recording/uploading videos recently.  I hope to continue making videos.

*Note after more testing, I am considering taking out the expeditions for 2 more scopes.  The deck gets seriously out of hand when I stick a scope early.*

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